Claim: The bottom of the croe sample has more diatoms.
Evidence: The bottom had 52 diatoms total. The top had 13 diatoms total. Which means that the bottom has 39 more diatoms than the top.
ANDRILL ALCOVE (Andrill Lake Coring Outreach VEnture) is a collaborative K-16 research project in which Lake sediment cores were retrieved from Minnesota and Wisconsin lakes. Students and teachers from Middle and High School and University completed the coring and will be presenting their results on this blog site.
Finding: We found more diatoms on the top soil then the bottom. Claim: We found alot of asterionella class on the top then the bottom. Asterionella class had 2 times more than all of the other diatoms. We found melosira in every slide. We only found tabellaria on the bottom slide.
Question: What type of Diatoms are on the surface compared to the bottom?
Procedure: We will take sediment from the surface of the long core put it on a slide and examine it. Then we will do the same for the bottom but we will take sediment from the bottom. Then we will make a chart and compare diatoms.
Varibles Measured: Type of Diatoms
Varibles Changed: Surface and bottom of long core.
Controls: We will use the same amount of sediment.
Claim: We claim that there are more types of diatoms on the top the bottom, although there are some of the same on the top and bottom
Evidence: If you look at the data table the diatoms are the same on some of them like 8(melosiera), 10(aulacoseira), and 11(gyrosigma)
2 further questions: What if we were to take another lake core from another lake and then see what diatoms there are?
What if we were to take samples from the middle of the lake core and add it to the data would there be more of the same?