Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Lake Core Investigation Kari Nicole Taylor

Question: Which one has more diatoms the top, or the bottom of the big core sample?



Claim: The bottom of the croe sample has more diatoms.

Evidence: The bottom had 52 diatoms total. The top had 13 diatoms total. Which means that the bottom has 39 more diatoms than the top.

Lake Core Investigation by Blake and Katie

Question: How have the species of diatoms changed from the bottom to top?


Claim: A lot of the species of diatoms have changed from the bottom to top.

Evidence: We found out that there are two common diatoms for top and bottom. for the top the two common diatoms are Navicula and Pinnularia, for the bottom the two common diatoms are Gyrosigma and Fragellria.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Lake Core Investigation by Grant, Jayme, Jarret

Question: Did the diatoms change more before or after the drought?


Claim: There was a bunch of different types after the drought then before the drought.

Evidence: Before the drought there were just 2 types of diatoms, phyum class genus and a Navicula. But after the drought we found 5 types of diatoms a phyum class genus, Asterionella formosa, Melosiera, synedro, and a Gyrosigma

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Lake Core Investigation by: Katie Cornish, Kendra, Monte

Question: How many types (that were found) diatoms are found in the old part vs. the young part?


Claim: We found out that there are more diatoms in the old part than the young part.

Evidence: There were 8 diatoms in the old part, including a possible unknown. In the young part there were 5 diatoms.

Diatom Investigation by: Logan and Isaac

Question: What is the most common diatom we will find between top(youngest) and bottom(oldest)?

Data: slide #1 top(youngest): asterionella and melosira. slide #2 top(youngest): melosira. slide #3 bottom(oldest): meridon and melosira. slide #4 bottom(oldest): melosira and tabellaria.

Finding: We found more diatoms on the top soil then the bottom. Claim: We found alot of asterionella class on the top then the bottom. Asterionella class had 2 times more than all of the other diatoms. We found melosira in every slide. We only found tabellaria on the bottom slide.

Lake Core Investigation~Sam, Jordan, Kristina and Nic

Question: What's the difference between diatoms at the top of the core and at the bottom of the core?
Findings: Claim~We found that the diatoms in the bottom of the core are usually longer than the diatoms in the top. Evidence~Most of the diatoms in the top were shorter than the diatoms in the bottom.

Lake Core Investigation, By : Sarah, MaKayla, and Kaitlyn

Question: What is the difference between the types of diatoms between the two different cores?

Findings: Claim: There is different types of diatoms between the two cores except the middle of core one and the top of core two. The diatoms name is Asterionella formasa.

Evidence: The core types for core one are Navicula(top), Fragilaria capucina(bottom), and asterionella formosa(middle). And the core typed for number two are Asterionella formosa(top), Aulacoseira(bottom) and Gyrosigma(middle).


Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Lake Core Investigation by James Logan and Derek

Question: What types of diatoms are most common at the top and bottom of the core?

Findings:our findings conclude that long skinny diatoms are the most common in the core sample. our evidence is that there were 21 total skinny long diatoms compared to 8 cricular diatoms and 16 short fat.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

By: Samantha .h. , Renee.w. , Anna.g. , Jocelyn.m.

Questions: Are there more diatoms in the young or in the old core sample?


Claim: Yes,there is more in the old part of the core sample then young.

Findings: We did three slides for each young and old. In slide of the young there was eight diatoms we saw. The seconds had seven and in the third from the young we found nine. So for the total of young diatom there was twenty-four. We also made three old core sample slides in the first we found five the seacond slide we found twenty-two and the last slide we found eleven so the total of the older diatoms was thirty-eight

Lake Core Investigation - Jack, Kyle, Craig

Question: What type of Diatoms are on the surface compared to the bottom?
Procedure: We will take sediment from the surface of the long core put it on a slide and examine it. Then we will do the same for the bottom but we will take sediment from the bottom. Then we will make a chart and compare diatoms.

Varibles Measured: Type of Diatoms

Varibles Changed: Surface and bottom of long core.

Controls: We will use the same amount of sediment.


Claim: We claim that there are more types of diatoms on the top the bottom, although there are some of the same on the top and bottom

Evidence: If you look at the data table the diatoms are the same on some of them like 8(melosiera), 10(aulacoseira), and 11(gyrosigma)

2 further questions: What if we were to take another lake core from another lake and then see what diatoms there are?

What if we were to take samples from the middle of the lake core and add it to the data would there be more of the same?