Friday, February 19, 2010

Diatom Investigation, By Miranda.

My question:
What is the difference between the amount of diatoms at 5in. down and 20in. down?

Variable changed- Depth, 5in. and 20in.
Variable measured- The amount of diatoms.
Controls- Stay the same! By looking through the slides the same way, use the same amount of time looking through each slide (in my case 5 mins). Make each slide the same way everytime, using the same amount of dirt, water, and puting it together the same way.

1. Use a ruler to measure down 5in.
2. Get a slide ready with dirt from the 5in. mark.
3. Look throughout slide with microscope for 5 mins. in a zig-zag pattern.
4. Write data for that slide in 1st box of chart.
5. Repeat those first 4 steps twice more but write data in its own box on chart.
6. Now measure down to 20in.
7. Make another slide the same way you have been and with the same amount of dirt and water you have been except with dirt from the 20in. mark.
8. Look through slide with micrascope (using same controls)
9. Write data in own box on chart.
10. repeat those 6-9 steps 2 more times but while writing data in its own box on chart.

With the first three slides from the 5in. mark, I found 5, 11, and 8 diatoms giving me an average of 8 diatoms at 5in.
With the first three slides from the 20in. mark, I found 17, 21, and 13 diatoms giving me an average of 17 diatoms at 20in.

-There were less diatoms at 5in. than at 20in.
-At 5in. there was an average of 8 diatoms and at 20in. there was an average of 17 diatoms.
-This may be because at the 5in. layer the enviroment was more harsh and so the diatoms had a harder time living.

Further questions:
  • What are the types in a core from the shallow part of the lake versus a deep part (using 10 in. down in each)?
  • Are there more Melosiera or Syndra in 5in. down or in 20in. down?

Diatom Investigation Rodney, Jared, Stephen, Kaleb

Question: Which diatom out of 5 diatoms(11-15-8-4-1)appear most in a core sample between a 3ft zone and a 2ft zone.

Procedure: 1. Get a slide, a toothpick and a cover slide.2 Get some of the core sample using your toothpick, apply the core sample to your slide.3 Get some water on your slide and smear on core sample.4 put cover slip on the core sample.5 Put core sample in the microscope.6 Record data.

Varible changed: 2ft to 3ft depth.

Varible controls: How long we look, depth, amount of sediment, keep the same view.
Variable measured: Amount of kinds of diatoms from each core sample.

2 ft core sample:Slide 1: 2 elevens, 1 fifteen
Slide 2: 1 four, 2 eights, 1 eleven
Slide 3: 2 ones, 1 eleven

3 ft core sample: Slide 1: 6 elevens
Slide 2: 1 one, 1 four, 1 eight, 7 eleven
Slide 3: 1 four, 1 eight, 9 eleven

Conclusion: Out of the 5 diatome (1,4, 8, 11, 15) 11 had the most appearances overall. All other diatoms were very even in thier combined appearences. Based on our data, there were more diatoms at 3 ft deep then 2 ft deep. But a vast majority of the 3 ft deep diatoms were number elevens. We determined that the layer all types of diatoms (excludin number 11) does not effect their amounts. Number eleven however is the most common diatom, and it seevs the deeper you go, theres more of this diatom. This diatom must have a specifec trait, unique to it alone, that helps them thrive deeper in the ground. The other diatoms don't seem to prefer one layer over another.

2 Further Questions 1) Which core sample zone (2 ft or 3 ft) has the biggest on average gyrosigma (11) diatoms?
2) Can you find more diatoms by placin 5 drops of water on your slide, as opposed to 1 drop of water?

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Lake Core Investigation Tyler, Tristan, Kyle, Zach

Question: Can we find the same types of diatoms on the top as we did on the bottem of the lake core?


  1. Get 6 slides (3 from the top, 3 from the bottem)

  2. Look for similar diatoms in the top and bottem slides

  3. Record data in a graph


  1. Notebook

  2. Pencil/Pen

  3. 6 slides with slide covers

  4. 3 samples from top of the core

  5. 3 samples from the bottem of the core

Variables Measured-types of diatoms

Variable Change-depths

Control-water, depth, amount of sediment on the slide,amount of time looking for diatoms

Data Table

Top of Core

slide diatom type. number of that type

1 5.1 11.1

2 11.11 6.uncountable

3 43.2 11.4

Bottem of Core

slide diatom type. number of that type

1 14.1 16.2 1.1

2 6.7

3 6.2 11.4

conclusion: we found a couple of the same types of diatoms on top and bottom they are diatoms 11 and 6 they were others but not on both levels i will use the first slides of the top and bottom of the core for an example we found diatom number 11 on top and bottom but only on on each there is the diatom gyrosigma which is benthic likes to live in queit open waters same as the cyclotella diatom number 6 but the cyclotella is planktonic diatom most of the others are open and quiet water diatoms such as diatom 4 and 5 which are benthic.

2 further questions

1.if we had a diffrent core from adley would have more or less diatoms at same height?

2.can we find diatom #11 in the middle of the same core?

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Diatom Investigation By: Devin Kaylyn Jonas Breanna

Question:Are diatoms more frequent in the oldest core layer or the youngest?


  1. Gather materials ( 6 slides, 6 cover slips, 3 samples from old layer, 3 samples from young layer)
  2. Observe 3 samples of oldest year on slide (make slides)
  3. Observe 3 samples of youngest year on slide (make slides)
  4. Look at all of the samples
  5. Count how many diatoms are one each slide
  6. Record data on a chart
  7. Display data on a circle graph
  8. Present data

Control: amount of sample, scanning the slide, amount of water. taken from same year period, time looking at slide

Variable changed: age from oldest to youngest

Variable measured: differance of diatoms in oldest and youngest years


Conclusions:We answered our question by observing 3 slides from the oldest and 3 slides from the youngest year. Our answer was that the diatoms were more frequent in the youngest. Our data concluded there were 41 diatoms in the youngest, and 15 in the oldest. Not only were there more diatoms in the youngest year, there was a more of a variety in the youngest year too (Example: Oldest: 10 varieties Youngest: 12 varieties). More in the youngest might mean that the lake climate was more suitable for the certain diatoms.

Further Questions:

What is the differance in the amount of diatoms between every 2 inches in the lake core?

How many differant types of diatoms can you find 5 inches from the youngest year?

Lake Core Investigation

Question: How many diatoms are there if you went 1 inch in the core compared to 10 inches in the core?

1. Gather materials: ruler/meter stick, slides, slip cover, toothpick, water, water dropper, notebook and pencils.
2. Get the ruler and measure 1 inch in the core.
3. With the toothpick get a small sample of the core.
4. Put the sample of core on the slide.
5. Put one drop of water on the slide and cover with slip.
6. Look at the slide under the microscope and count how many diatoms you can find. (Write in notebook)
7. Now put the ruler 10 inches in the core.
8. Get the same size sample of core as the first time.
9. Put the sample of core on a different slide.
10. Put a drop of water on the slide and cover with slip.
11. Look at the slide under a microscope and count the diatoms you find. (Write in noteboook)
12. Now see which measurement had more diatoms in the core and write the answer in your notebook.

Data Table:

Slide 1 2 3
Measurement Amount of Diatoms
1 inch 13 13 14
10 inches 24 24 18

Conclusion: We found that their were more diatoms on the 10 inch slides compared to the 1 inch slides. On the 1 inch slides the average amount of diamtoms was 13. On the 10 inch slides the average amount of diatoms was 21. The possible reasons their are more diatoms on the 10 inch slides might be because it was deeper in the core.

Two Further Questions:
1. How many more diatoms would you find if you had a shallow core and a deep core?
2. What types of diatoms would you find in the 1o inch compared to the 20 inch and what type of enviroment do they live in?

By: Brittany, Kali, Myranda, and Zac

Operation katie, mander, dylan, bryce...

Are there more diatoms in the newer or older core?

1. Gather slides. slide covers, microscope, lake core, toothpick, notebook, and pensil.
2. Use toothpick to take sample from the core (anywhere from 1-15 in), then put sediment on slide.
3. Add 2 drops of water to the sediment on the slide, and gently place cover over sediment.
4. Place slide on microscope.
5. Examine slide for 7min., and record number of diatoms found.
6. Repeat five more times at 1-15in and record in data table, in notebook.
7. Repeat steps 1-6 at 16-30in.


1. 7min/slide
2. Same amount of sediment
3. Same amount of water
4. Same microscope

Variable Changed:
We changed the depth of the samples from the lake cores.

Variable Measured:
The number of diatoms in the newer and older lake cores.

We found less diatoms in the newer part of the core (1-15in), according to our data. In the newer part we found 184 diatoms total. They were mostly Gomphonema. For this diatom to live here there must have been alot of sediment deposited there at that time.
We found more diatoms in the older part of the core (16-30in), according to our data. In the older part we found 402 diatoms total. Most of the diatoms were Melosiera. Which meansthere must have been alot of flowing water there at that time.

Two further questions:
1. What is the difference in diatoms in lake Minneswaska compared to lake Adley.
2.How many kinds of diatoms are at 30in. of the lake adley core?

By: Dylan, Bryce, Manda, KatieLynn
Question: What is the most common kind of diatom in the newer and older ends of the sample?

1. find a slide and put sediment (dirt) in between.
2. put a slide with the sediment into microscope.
3. Make 6 slides.
4. focus the microscope.
5. look at each slide for 5 minutes.
6. whenever you find a diatom search the name and write it down.
7. Once youve made 6 slides looked at each for 5 minutes, and charted down all your data look at your results.
8. Make a data table with your results.
9. discover the most common diatom.

Following Questions:
1. If everyone did the same question would there results be the same?
2. Is this a certin type of dirt that produces these types of diatoms?

Variable Changed: location in core.
Variable Measured: most common diatom.
Variable Control: same core, look at each for 5 minutes.

Conclusion: We found out that Tebellaria is the most common diatom. Next to Meridon then Nevicula. After we found 18 diatoms 10 of them were Tebellaria, 6 of then were Meridon and 3 of them were Nevicula.
Shalen G. Jenna L. Spencer P. Brady B.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Diatom Investigation

Question: Are there more diatoms in the 1 inch layer or the 30 inch layer?


  1. Gather tools

  2. Get three samples of 1 inch layer

  3. Examine by scanning your slide and counting the amount of diatoms for five minutes per slide

  4. Record data

  5. Get three samples of 30 inch layer

  6. Examine and count diatoms for five minutes per slide

  7. Record data

  8. Compare results


1 inch layer-

  • Slide one-7 diatoms

  • Slide two-4 diatoms

  • Slide three-6 diatoms

30 inch layer-

  • Slide one-13 diatoms

  • Slide two-15 diatoms

  • Slide three-14 diatoms

Conclusion: Are there more diatoms in the 1 inch or 30 inch layer?

There are more diatoms in the 30 inch layer. We think this because in the one inch layer we found an average of 5.7 diatoms per slide and in the 30 inch layer we found an average of 14 diatoms per slide. A reason this could of happened is because of climate or habitat change between the two time differences in the layers.

Further Questions:

  1. What caused more diatoms in the 30 inch layer than the 1 inch layer?

  2. Would in the 15 inch layer the average number of diatoms be 10 per slide based off our previous investigation?

By Micaela, Derek, Ethan, Stephi


How are the old diatoms different from the new ones?

Variable change:
tThe diatoms we found in the samples.

Variable measured: Old diatoms and new diatoms

procedure: Take a sample from the newer side of the core. Then, mix it with water so that it is very liquidy. Then do the same with a old sample. We had to be careful not to mix up the samples. Then, we take ten minutes to look at each slide. Then, once we had all of our information, we were able to figure out our conclusion.

Controls: 3 slides each

Conclusion: The older samples have less variety than the newer core samples. We had six samples in all, and though it is sometimes hard to find diatoms, we pulled through. Yay for dj's good slides. We found more variety in the new ones. Its sort of like todays culture. The older culture is more refined, and the newer culture is just crazy.

Reasoning: Only gyrosigma was found in old samples, and in new samples we found synedra, cymbella and navicula.


1: Why have the sizes of the diatoms changed?

2 :In what rock layer are the most diatoms found? by: Dj, Quentin, Tyler and Jake. booya!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Lake core investigation

By:Matthew Hanson,Tarin Thompson,Benton LaVan

Qustion: Are there the same diatoms at 12 inches of the core as 24 inches?

Materials: 6 slides and slide covers, toothpick, core, and water.


  1. Get materials.

  2. Measure 1 foot down and 2 feet down and take sample with toothpick( Not too much).

  3. Put it on the slide with the cover on top.

  4. Examine under scope and find what kinds of diatoms at that depth

  5. Repeat process except at 2 feet instead of 1 foot.


Variable changed: depth of sample.

Variable measurred: kinds of diatoms

Controls: time observed, observer,amount sediment, microscope, amount of water


Conclusion: The answer to our question is yes. There are some of the same diatoms at 1 foot and 2 feet. We found #4's, #22's, and # 8's at both 1 foot and 2 feet. We also found some different kinds in 1 foot and 2 feet. Some diatoms that we didn't find at both depths in the lake core are #20's,#5's, and #16's. #20's,#5's, and#16's were all found in 24in.

2 Further Questions:

  1. How many more diatoms are at 20cm. or 40cm.

  2. Why was there some of the same diatoms at 24 in. and at 12 in.